

項目 英語
P3レベルP3 level
P4レベルP4 level
PABXprivate automatic branch exchange 
PACpolyaluminium chloride
PALperimeter annual load
PAL方式phase alternation by line system 
PCMPhase Change Materials
PCOprimary cutout switch
PDApersonal digital assistance
PDCAサイクルPDCA cycle
PD制御PD control
PF・CB形キュービクル受電設備 cubicle type unit substation with PF and CB 
PF・S形キュービクル受電設備 cubicle type unit substation with PF and S 
PFIPrivate Finance Initiative
PF管plastic flexible conduit
pHhydrogen-ion exponent
PID制御PID control
PI制御PI control
P-i線図P-I chart
PMparticulate matter
PMVpredicted mean vote
POEpost occupancy evaluation
PPDpredicted percentage of dissatisfied 
PRTR法Pollutant Rerease and Transfer Register law 
PSALIpermanent supplementary artificial lighting in interiors 
PTpotential transformer
PVCpolyvinyl chloride
P型ニ級発信機P type class 2 manual fire alarm station 
P型一級発信機P type class 1 manual fire alarm station 
P型受信機P type control panel
P制御proportional control